Pretty in pink

This beautiful lily pops up just next to one of my cottages every year in Nov or December.  For the rest of the year it looks like two or three shriveled leaves.  It’s commonly known as a veld lily or river lily and is one of the Crinum lilies.  I am still arguing with all my sources as to which one it is.  Depending on the book or source, my crinum changes names.

I think it may be a crinum stuhlmannii but one of my books disagrees.

Anyone have an opinion?

7 thoughts on “Pretty in pink

    • Yeah – I thought so. I am so upset with my one book – it’s the second time it has given me the wrong flower name although the pictures are reasonable. I emailed the authors but never got any reply sadly.


  1. Hey,its the c.stuhlmannii.
    I want to know if u can send me some bulbs of it if possible.
    I need them urgently,please reply.


    • Hi – unfortunately I am in a conservancy so we cant dig up bulbs but I have successfully grown from seed. Please send me your name and details and how I should send them. Why do you need them so urgently?


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