Happy feet

You know how families develop their own words – normally stemming from a child who mispronounced something. I have met families where nick names are rather strange and others who have peculiar words for objects. It sometimes sounds really strange when you see four grown adults in a family calling something a boo-boo, and they all know what they are talking about.

When I was growing up our family was no different, and to this day common household items are still called strange things like a “hot ‘n trot tray”  (from Salton Hot Tray), my daughter being called a Bean, and macaroni is lekkeroni.  At the ripe old age of 18  the Bean found out that Harper Lee wrote the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” and not “Tequila Mockingbird” and that chutney was not chuckney.

A common word in our family is “fud”.  This is our word for a paw. So all our pets have fuds not paws and the dirty marks they make on the floor are fudprints.

Our Cleo is still a little unsure of her new surroundings and in order not to lose her fuds she keeps them all in one spot when she sleeps.

What strange words do your families use?