Farm fresh veggies!!

One week in and I have found a source of fabulous farm fresh vegetables and fruit.  The system is run by a lass called Chene and she drops off your bag weekly. You can also order farm fresh duck and duck fat from her.  

This is what I got for R60!

I am now on the hunt for a source of good grass fed meat and farm milk.


A new road side stall called Piccadilly has opened up near Hoedspruit.  It is really worth a visit if you are driving out towards Lydenberg or just to the reptile park.  I often find it difficult finding small gifts for birthdays and Piccadilly has so many wonderful gifts and ideas.  Elsa, the owner, also sources fresh vegetables from local farms and has a few basics like cold drinks and other groceries available.

I walked away with some very fresh farm potatoes, green beans and onions and some wonderful pictures of the stall.

Piccadilly is located on the Orpen road just off the R527 near the reptile park, and just outside the entrance of Zulaika Country House.  Please pop by and show your support of our local businesses.

Making your own homemade Marula beer

I know that most of you don’t have access to marula fruit so you won’t be needing this recipe – feel free to skip this post or just look at the pretty pictures.  I don’t think I will need this recipe again either.  I don’t even like beer.  You have to try once though. Right?

I roped in the expertise of Warren who makes quite a few batches of this beer each season. He just loves the stuff.

First collect ripe fruit from the ground beneath the trees and wash the fruit.

Remove the skins of the fruit.  I cut them round the equator and twist and squeeze the fruit pulp, pip and juice out.

Warren used this method for the photos but afterwards told me he is much quicker just using a butter knife, spoon or fork  and a special peeling motion. He told me that his friend, Masheplane does it so fast his hands blur.  I can imagine…

Collect all the pulp, pips and juice in a large container and once you have finished peeling the fruit, add clean water to just cover the fruit and mash the fruit thoroughly till the liquid in the bucket becomes quite thick.

Remove the pips and left over pulp by squeezing them a few at a time.

Cover and leave for 2-4 days depending on the strength you desire.

Skim off foam and pulp that has risen to the surface and if you wish you can strain the beer through muslin before bottling it.

Bottle in hot sterilized bottles and seal well

Store in a cool place till needed.

I added sugar to my brew after Warren gave me a taste of his beer.  Bleugh – it was VERY sour.

I will update this post in a few days once my brew has brewed and I have tasted it.

Edit:   To read about the final product and my opinion on it  please click HERE

Warning:  Please read this update HERE

Mango mania

As many of you know, I work on a farm in a fruit packhouse.  Because I manage quality control, I am constantly running up and down the warehouse – controlling and checking.  In citrus season (winter) this is very invigorating because one is constantly surrounded by the zingy aroma of citrus oils.  In summer we pack mangoes. It gets rather hot in the packhouse and after days and days of spending time with zillions of mangoes you get a little icky.  The sweet cloying smell permeates your skin and clothes – it is really intense, especially when it is hot and humid.

At the beginning of the season we all used to eat a mango at tea time – yum.  This morning when I got my mango I didn’t want to eat it – yesterday I only ate half.  It’s the smell of them that gets to me now. I wonder if I will ever eat one again?